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Global Lawyers for Refugees (GLR) is an innovative collaboration of lawyers from leading international law firms,  world class companies and prominent refugee rights advocates from across the globe. We provide refugees fleeing religious persecution with direct legal services, smart technology and policy support.




In these rapidly changing times, refugee rights advocacy demands better tools, better training and better technology.  Global Lawyers for Refugees (GLR) provides a new approach to serve refugees fleeing religious persecution by harnessing the talents of leading lawyers, business leaders, refugee rights advocates and refugees themselves.


According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are over Sixty Five million forcibly displaced persons in the world, including more than twenty one  million refugees. Global Lawyers for Refugees (GLR) advocates on behalf of one of the most vulnerable segments of this refugee population: religious minorities. Freedom of religion, enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is an inalienable human right. A recent PEW study found that freedom of religion is on the decline in many countries. The decline of freedom of religion is linked to a rise in violent extremism.


GLR is a culmination of years of pro bono advocacy work in global migration and seeks to redress the gap in religious refugee advocacy.  Our goal is to empower refugees through state of the art legal advocacy. Here at GLR, we Analyze, Ally, and Advocate on behalf of refugees fleeing from religious persecution across the globe.

World Peace



Utilize technology, including a digital refugee toolkit (currently in development phase), to provide real time feedback to vulnerable refugees so they can make informed decisions and communicate directly with their lawyers in life threatening situations.


Connect refugees with international lawyers by building alliances with law firms, in house counsel, and other NGOs.


Engage in both legal and policy advocacy by representing refugees in judicial proceedings before the UNHCR and engaging with various national governments on behalf of vulnerable refugee populations.

Global Lawyers for Refugees



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